Business Results...Creating Lasting Business Relationships

Franne McNeal
Franne McNeal
Just because you have a brief conversation and exchange business cards, doesn’t mean a potential sale is in the works. In fact, it may be just the opposite. That interaction may have sealed the deal for you not ever getting any business.

People make decisions based on comfort level, trust and perception. Re-focus so that your interactions with others creates lasting business relationships that are mutually beneficial. The outcomes include opportunities for repeat business, referrals, new partners and new opportunity. Do you notice that when you are networking you meet individual people, collect business cards, but your business sales and revenues do not increase?

Tip #1: Find the similarities and create communication
Human nature dictates that we like those who are like us. Create conversations that are less about selling your products and
services and more about discovering whom you are talking with. What are their interests, issues and concerns? Identify commonalties and build the conversation and future conversations on those points of shared focus.

Tip #2: Understand their interests and gain their attention
Now that you know more about them, you are in a better position to think about how they can benefit from your product or service.
Often it is effective to ask them to share what benefits or solutions they are looking for in relation to a particular issue or concern. Your return on investment is very high because you learn what matters most to them and how and why they would do business with you.

Tip #3: Be sincerely motivated
Most people don’t get listened to. Be different. Share a gift of honest and active listening. You will stand out in people’s minds. Share your genuine enthusiasm and excitement about the opportunity to learn more about them. If the conversation is truly about getting to know them, both of you will benefit.

Tip #4: Focus on a win-win outcome
Now that you have a better sense of who they are, what they value and what they want, create a process to meet and exceed their expectations. This is a partnership. Think in terms of "we" vs "I." Their satisfaction with the products and services you provide has a multiple effect on your business (repeat business, testimonials, and referrals). Set up the relationship so that you follow through on what you say you will deliver. Specifically, identify the value that you provide and ensure that both parties come out ahead.

Tip #5: Say "thank you" and strengthen the business relationship
Do it early and often! Write and send thank-you notes, give out appreciation certificates, coupons or whatever is appropriate to let your customers know you value the relationship with them and their business. Thank yous are another opportunity to remind customers of the value you bring and create opportunities to ask for referrals.

Go for it! Better relationships do mean better business. Don’t just "cast your net" and gather bunches of business cards at the next meeting you attend. Get to know the individuals behind the business cards. Get to experience the benefits of knowing their needs and what they value. Follow through on that information to turn the relationship into a business relationship that is beneficial to your bottom line.

  • HR Energy is a Business Coaching firm that helps entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses by getting them more clients, more revenues and more profits. We have coached over 350 entrepreneurs in the last 3 years and helped one individual win $20,000 in a business plan competition. Coaching helps you reach your goals faster because you move past challenges and towards significant business results. Contact Franne McNeal, Significant Business Results Coach, HR Energy, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 215.552.8719.