Small Business Myths: Are You Sabotaging Your Business?

Enlisting a virtual assistant to handle important back-end tasks in your business will give you more time to spend on high-leverage tasks that will translate into more profits. Some of the benefits of working with a virtual assistant include:
  1. Increased revenue potential – Increase your billable hours, marketing, networking, speaking engagements, etc.
  2. Increased business capacity – Instantly increase your “staff” without the costly hiring & training process or acquiring additional space and equipment.
  3. Fill skill gaps in your organization – Get immediate access to key business skills that you do not possess or that aren’t the best use of your time.
  4. Reclaim your personal time – Spend more time with family and friends, or recharge your batteries and creative energy to boost your effectiveness.

The benefits that can be gained from working with a VA are tremendous.
Learn more about working with a VA then determine if you are a good candidate for virtual assistance by downloading the free special report: Small Business Myths That Are Sabotaging Your Business. By investing in your business and enlisting help when you need it – you can overcome the small business myths that might be sabotaging your business.

  • Roxanne is a professional copywriter and the President/Owner of SOHO Support Solutions LLC, a Full-Service Copywriting & Virtual Assistance Firm.
  • She is currently conducting Marketing Collateral Bootcamps to assist small business owners and solopreneurs in the development of their own marketing collateral.