Buying Black is "Buying American"

ImageAccording to Moody's, if every American spent an extra $3.33 on U.S. made goods every year, it would create nearly 10,000 new jobs... Black Americans could create 10,000 new jobs by shifting only 1% of their income to Black-owned businesses.

America’s Most Segregated Cities Likely to Stay That Way

ImageThe recent report that America’s most segregated cities are just as -- if not more -- segregated than they were a couple of decades ago is hardly a revelation. The report focused on the top 10 most segregated cities.

Winning the Future For Black America

ImageI have observed two extremes for Black America recently. 

At the lowest extreme, there are indicators of poverty, high school dropout rates, single parent households headed by women, incarceration rates for Black males, unemployment at devastating levels.

Is Entrepreneurship Right For You?

Image"If you think about the fact that up to 90 percent of businesses are failing, or failing to succeed within five years, the fact that everyone seems to think that if they get down-sized, then the best option is to go to something with a 90 percent failure rate, is a little bit illogical,"

Building Bridges - How We Got Over...

ImageAs we move beyond another Black History Month, we should not forget how we got over past hurdles -- by working together within our own communities. It is time we built new bridges to help us get over our current challenges. 

The Future of Black America? The Past is Prologue...

ImageBlack History Month has a dual function.  We look to our past for indicators.  Also, we must learn from our history to chart a course for our future. So, in the words of Shakespeare, "The past is prologue..."

Those Who Forget Their History Are Doomed To Repeat It

ImageOur history is only meaningful if it is important to us.  There are some who feel that this reflection relegates Black History to one month.  Their argument is that we should celebrate Black History every day.  They are correct -- if their admonition is directed to Black people.