Transworld Systems Inc. - LEM Consulting

Transworld Systems Inc. - LEM Consulting Hot

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United States
8885 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 107
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Since 1970, Transworld Systems has been providing tools to businesses to improve their cash flow. Our clients include small businesses, banks, hospitals, retailers, universities, cities, manufacturers – virtually any organization that accepts checks or extends credit.

Our proven System helps companies recover money owed to them, and our industry-leading results earn their ongoing confidence. More than 60,000 businesses currently entrust us with their slow-pay and non-paying accounts. In return, we recover three times more money than our competitors at a fraction of the cost.

“Transworld gets credit for the highest recovery rate in the industry.” – Barron’s

  • In Business Since 1970
  • Recovered More Than $2.4 Billion Over the Last 5 Years for 60,000+ Clients
  • More than 100 Locations Nationwide
  • 56% Recovery Rate at a Cost of Less than 4 Cents per Dollar Recovered*
  • Average Cost Per Account is $10-12 Dollars
  • Clients Manage Accounts Online 24/7
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