Target Market News reports the findings of this study that reveals the views of African American families on a range of issues.
(April 1, 2014) EBONY magazine has partnered with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to conduct the State of the Black Family Survey which appears in the May issue. The study, drawn from a national sample of 1,005 African-American respondents, identified job loss and financial insecurity as the leading issues confronting Black families. (read the full article at targetmarketnews.com)
The survey polled African-Americans on their views on the economy, education, relationships, race relations, health care, employment, finances and media trends. The findings from the study revealed the following:
- 84% of respondents says racial discrimination still pervades American society
- 74% think society isn't doing enough to support young men and boys of color.
- Almost two-thirds of respondents say they are better off financially than they were five years ago, but 82% are concerned that Whites still make more than Blacks for doing the same jobs.
- 52% see the media portrayal of African-Americans as generally negative.
- 60% of respondents agree we are making progress in providing access to health care.
- 50%, however, feel that we are losing ground in reducing the gap between rich and poor.
- Almost 1/3 are concerned that their children are not getting a quality education.
- 44% of survey respondents said they know someone that has been killed or committed suicide.
- 30% said "improving the creating more jobs/good paying jobs" as a top issue of concern.
Readers can read the remaining results in the May issue of EBONY magazine, on newsstands now. Part two of the survey is scheduled for release in the June issue of the magazine.
Target Market News was founded in 1988 with a mission to provide news, information and research on the nation's largest ethnic group, African-American consumers. Based in Chicago, it is the only company of its kind in the industry.
Target Market News was founded in 1988 with a mission to provide news, information and research on the nation's largest ethnic group, African-American consumers. Based in Chicago, it is the only company of its kind in the industry.