Think Strategy -- Life Cycle

In all of our consumption and most of the information secured, products we use, places we frequent, there applies the term life cycle.  In business the term covers roughly seven stages of an organization's possible position.  In technology it covers seven minutes.  In business you grab an idea, run with it, enjoy the success, and eventually exit the scene.  Dissolve, or better still...sell.  Move on.

Just as important, the question of -- Where are you in your life cycle?  In the business you’ve created? Consider the following to ensure growth, results, internal and external appeal:
• 0 to 80.  Join the team, power up and make an immediate impact.  You thought about that during the interview...right?
• Be Accountable.  Decisiveness and effectiveness go far.  Be prepared to take what comes with your “big” decisions.
• Create Permission.  You ever notice that (typically) the person that delivers results has a bit more freedom Correlation.
• Look Ahead.  Be inquisitive about the future.  Talk with your customers and competitors about what they see. They matter.    

It’s Monday — a big day — Let’s keep it Moving!

  • Torin Ellis is the founder of Monday Mover and Second Motive. Both organizations focus on the aggressive growth of professionals that want to be more, do more and give more. With an unshakeable focus on the elevation of who we are, Torin delivers thought provoking motivation via the Monday Mover newsletter and Monday Mover Radio. His staffing company delivers high paying employment ripe with promise with a focus on Sales and Sales Management. Do the right thing...sign up for the newsletter at and encourage another to do the same.