Make the Best of Your Time, Talent, and Treasure This Holiday Season

ImageA friend of mine closes his voice mail  greeting with the admonition to "Make the best of your time, your talent, and your treasure."

His challenge has always inspired me to pause and think for just a moment and ask, "Am I making the best of my time, talent, and treasure?" These challenging times we are all experiencing demand the best of every one of us. There are no longer free rides, slack time, or opportunities for wasteful spending. We must give careful consideration to the limited resources we control -- our time, talent, and treasure.

Despite the headlines, life is not all about how much we spent on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Here are some Holiday considerations for those of us who are not the 1% living in plenty:

  1. Time -- Make the best of your time by spending it with those whose love and friendship you value. Call or visit to make sure you tell them how much they mean to you. It isn't necessary to bring an expensive gift. Just set aside the time to say, "You are important in my life."
  2. Talent -- We often underestimate our talent when it comes to making someone else's life better. Perhaps we can cook a meal for someone who is shut in; or help with repairs at the home of a friend; or volunteer to be a mentor. The talents we take for granted can make a big difference when shared with others.
  3. Treasure -- We are all aware of the stark contrast between the haves and the have nots during these difficult economic times. I am always moved to contribute to the bell ringers from the Salvation Army at this time of the year. There are so many other opportunitiees to help the least among us -- even though our means are limited. These are times when "Every little bit counts" means a lot. Be as generous as your means allow.

Each of us can make a vast difference in somone else's life if we heed the simple admonition to "Make the best of your time, your talent, and your treasure."

Happy Holidays!

Roger Madison, CEO

iZania, LLC

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