MondayMover -- Wrapped Tight!

ImageWrapped tight. In the world of professional employment/entrepreneurship, how much in terms of collateral (loosely defined) must you deposit in order to cover the risk associated with your role? The answer might surprise you.

The Collapse of the American Economy: Treating the People's Pneumonia Instead of Wall Street's Cold

Anthony SamadBy all nearly all accounts (except for the fervent Republican ideologues), the American economy is on the verge of collapse. Both Congress and Wall Street are moving very quickly to shift the burdens of greed and decadence from the insolvent banks to the backs of the taxpayers through a $700 million bailout.

Tone Deaf!

Tone DeafAlso known as amusia, tune deafness, dysmelodia and dysmusia according to an entry found on Wikepedia. Tone deaf is having difficulty or being unable to correctly hear relative differences between notes. In MM speak, it's a person's inability to accurately distinguish differences or identify actions.

MondayMover -- Play YOUR Position

FootballAre you ready for some football? Sordid fans are hyped and willing to wage everything from promises to portions of their mortgage hoping their team will reign Super Bowl Champion. Meanwhile, players are pushing past the pain of practice and preparation by studying game tape, diagrams and drill charts during this pre-season. Familiar routine.

Knock Knock ... who's gonna answer?

Knock KnockThere exists a soft knock that is at times hard to answer. It rests within - untouchable - shielded from the critical view of others. At times most indescribable - at least it appears that way. Most often the exact opposite. Knock!

A Candidate for Change, But Not a Candidate of a Social Movement

Black CommentatorWe, on the Left side of the aisle, can build upon this sentiment if we reject symbolic politics of anger, and, if we are prepared to actually build progressive, grassroots electoral organizations that ally with other social movements. With regard to the symbolic politics of anger, frankly, we should have had enough of 3rd party candidacies that express our outrage with the two mainstream parties. Of course we are outraged, but our outrage, whether through third party candidacies or even many of our street demonstrations, is simply not enough. If we are really angry, then this must translate into a strategy based on the actual conditions we face in the USA.

Senator Barack Obama and the Paradox of Dr. King

TruthoutThe interesting paradox of Senator Obama's historic nomination and Dr. King's speech is that while Democratic candidate Obama is the beneficiary and living evidence of the realization of the "dream," President Obama will have to address the current realities of systemic racism and personal prejudice that have resulted in continued disparity between African- Americans and Euro-Americans in much the same way as they did in 1963.

THE BARON INSIGHT (Best Places for Your Cash)

William PattersonWith inflation at a 17-year high, it is important to keep the cash you will need short-term in liquid, guaranteed or very safe investments that pay the highest yields. Here are five great money making options for the smartest BARON savers: