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The strategy employed against us has changed from "divide and conquer" to "one size fits all" with the exception being that it now only applies to the black man. Black women have been elevated out and beyond our control and reach.

With the black woman having been economically and systematically elevated through media projections, employment advancements and strategic social engineering the black man stands alone and is now being herded as cattle to a destination of captivity.

The same and exact methods used to separate black men from black women are being used to project black men as criminals, sex offenders, prisoners and willing uneducated slaves.

The black man is being methodically demonized and written off in the 21st century as being good for nothing but captivity.

We have been made totally unattractive to black women. We represent the 21st century poster child of morale decay. The term black man is now synonymous with bad credit, criminal tendencies, non-support, drug addiction and domestic abusers.

It is no coincidence that the image displaying us as 21st slaves is splashed front and center upon the worldwide Internet web pages. It is not placed as a thumbnail image but is strategically displayed full page and in full color.

<a href="http://newsone.com/nation/newsonestaff4/sc-republican-dresses-up-as">http://newsone.com/nation/newsonestaff4/sc-republican-dresses-up-as</a>...

In all media presentations and movie adaptations the black man is subjected to scripts and imagery that demean our presence, participation and personas.

Other ethnic actors have story lines written for them that deliberately subject the black man to ridicule, disrespect, impotence and global disdain.

Movies and shows such as "The return of the Mummy" "Burn notice", "The Closer", "NCIS" are solid examples and the list goes on and on.

Commercials and cartoons subject the black male child to inferior participation and involvement and this in its entirety spills over into real-life.

In real life the black man as a result of being artistically displayed through media imagery is subjected to verbal abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse and the lowest level of public tolerance ever known to man.

The black man has no protection from black organizations, police departments, government agencies or social agencies because America and the global community consider and view the black man as "throwing good money after bad."

After America and the global community rallied behind the Louisiana black boys only to discover that they took the money and purchased watches, clothes and electronic equipment America was through bailing out the black man and the black youth.

After America and the global community turned off the cameras and turned their backs the sheriff department in Louisiana suited up, armed up and kicked in the doors of everyone involved with the Louisiana boys rally and sent them to prison.

At this point in the 21st century no one cares about what happens to the black man unless you are a black man. The black woman was our last line of defense and now she to has moved on.

The fight on the front-line in the 21st century belongs to the black men that still give a damn.
We must fight back by projecting a different image. We must make independent films that project the black man as the hero, rescuer, smart guy, loving husband, good father, solid provider, protector of his woman and children and smart financial investors.

The means to accomplish this is through reading, self help downloads and rejecting movies and media that portray us as good for nothing human beings.

Stop defending the likes of black sit-coms, foul mouth verbal abusing degenerate gangster rappers, baldhead black chameleons, homosexual chameleons and black men that compete with black women for feminine ways.

Pick up the garbage laying around your feet and in or around your property and living environment without displaying the, (I did not put it there childlike attitude and ways.)

Take control of your destiny by reading and fixing up and painting your property. Do for self and help the black woman justify why she should return to helping you.

Start right now. Start today. Start by reading Undercover Smart. <a href="http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/UNDERCOVERSMART.HTML">http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/UNDERCOVERSMART.HTML</a>

Start by downloading how to self help reports.
<a href="http://www.undercoversmart.com/">http://www.undercoversmart.com/</a>

The global community is moving against us as one unit to strategically destroy us. Let's fight back black man by moving as one unit to reverse their strategy or soon and very soon we are dead, dead, dead.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/ CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
<a href="http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com">www.mubarakinter-prizes.com</a>

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55