28 Feb Why Do Smart, Good Women Fall for Bad Men

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Why Do Smart, Good Women Fall for Bad Men
by VegasClarke

We see it all around us...every day, a sweet wholesome woman on the arm of some arrogant, cocky guy who thinks he's the king of every castle. He's not that cute, and doesn't seem to give a damn about anyone but himself. Why is she with him? Please tell me. Somebody?? Anybody??

Bad men or should I say, bad boys.... know just what to do to hook the ladies. They look for women who like their mess. That's right. They wouldn't be able to pull off half of the antics they do if they weren't allowed to do so. Bad boys are confident and they simply don't give a damn. They can take you or leave you. That's one reason why they fare well with women. If a woman says no, who cares? They move on to the next one, and they do it with the same energy and boastful attitude as they did with the last woman. 

So, I ask, "Why?" 

Here's one reason. When was the last time a man excited you? If you have to think about it, then you probably already have a good, loving, boring man. The bad boys are always testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope when it comes to their life - and women can't get enough of it. They find it intriguing. And when you put exciting and adventurous beside the other unruly traits, it sends women into a tizzy.

Women don't crave men who are pushovers. They also don't like men that they can see coming a mile away. Contrary to the belief women like men they can read and men that provide them with a sense of security, women actually LOVE to guess! It is challenging for them, and it is one of the elements of the bad boy that keeps them coming back for more!

They are exciting, adventurous... and bad! Bad boys are often rugged and in-control and sometimes even end up in jail. But after all of that, the important piece here is that they will still get the ladies. Who do you lay beside at night?

Take a stroll on the wild side in the bookstore. Pick up a copy of   Snitch by VegasClarke  to uncover why Diona just can't get enough of Drape, her loving, bad-boy boyfriend.  Check out the trailer here, Go. 

Purchase Snitch from Life Changing Books

ISBN-10: 1934230766 
ISBN-13: 978-1934230763


About VegasClarke 
Authors, VegasClarke demonstrate that opposites attract. Vegas entered a life of crime beginning at the age of 13. Selling drugs was all he came to know which finally landed him a 78-month sentence in the Federal Prison System. During his incarceration, he was able to cope with his time and mature through writing. He put his heart into manifesting urban tales, poetry, and songs. He is currently pursuing his degree in Business Administration and working on the sequel to Snitch. Vegas believes that it is never too late to change his life. On the other hand, in order to change, one has to be willing to change he often tells his fan base.

Clarke developed a passion for writing while becoming an avid reader of all kinds of fiction. Once Vegas and Clarke were reunited, they were able to combine Vegas' street smarts and Clarke's school smarts, creating literary magic while focusing on real-life realities. Clarke graduated from Kent State University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Communications Studies with a minor in Pan-African Studies. Since then she has changed fields and works in Corporate America, where she is working on a Masters in Business Administration. 

VegasClarke spends their time working on future novels while residing in Cleveland, Ohio with their two children.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55